
. ad is the country code top -level domain ( ccTLD) of the Principality of Andorra. It was introduced on January 9, 1996 and is managed by the Andorra Telecom, which is owned by the state.


Only Andorran nationals and companies shall be entitled to register a. Ad address. Registrations are usually made on the second level, it may up to three addresses can be registered. Each registration is individually examined by the Andorran government. A. Ad - domain must be a total of between two and 63 characters long, the use of special characters is not supported.


With the introduction of new top -level domains wanted the Internet giant Google Inc. the domain. And register for Andorra. Since this is an ISO -3166 -1 code for the abbreviation, the application was withdrawn in September 2012. Thus is. Foreseeable and are introduced ad not to be too alternative..
