Roman Catholic Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston

The Diocese of Wheeling - Charleston (Latin Dioecesis Vhelingensis - Carolopolitanus ) is a located in the United States Roman Catholic diocese based in Wheeling, West Virginia.


The Diocese of Wheeling - Charleston was posted on July 19, 1850 by Pope Pius IX. built out of territory of the Diocese of Richmond as Wheeling diocese and the Archdiocese of Baltimore is a suffragan. On August 21, 1974, the Diocese of Wheeling was renamed the Diocese of Wheeling - Charleston.


The Diocese of Wheeling - Charleston comprises the state of West Virginia.


Bishops of Wheeling

  • Richard Vincent Whelan, 1850-1874
  • John Joseph Kain, 1875-1893, then Koadjutorerzbischof of Saint Louis
  • Patrick James Donahue, 1894-1922
  • John Joseph Swint, 1922-1962
  • Joseph Howard Hodges, 1962-1974

Bishop of Wheeling - Charleston
