
The Littabella National Park (English: Littabella National Park ) is a national park in the southeast of the Australian state of Queensland.


It is located 336 km north of Brisbane and about 50 kilometers north- west of Bundaberg.

Provincial nature

The National Park consists of hilly terrain, whose highest point reaches 35 meters above the sea level. In between is swampy lowland with small lagoons that can dry out to some extent.

Flora and Fauna

It is found in the lowlands of the park light forest with banksia and Myrtenheiden. At higher altitudes the Myrtenheiden and eucalyptus forest dominate.

The following species can be found in the National Park: Sugar Glider, Hörnchengleitbeutler ( Petaurus norfolcensis ), gold belly swimming rats ( Hydromys chrysogaster ) Wongatauben, Banks Raven cockatoos, Glanzspitzendrongos ( Dicrurus bracteatus ), frilled lizards, Northern Banjo Frogs ( Lymnodynastes terraereginae ) and Wallumfröschchen ( Crinia tinnula ).


The coastal National Park is on the link road Bundaberg - Miriam Vale to reach at Warragan.
