
The Molle Islands National Park (English: Molle Islands National Park ) is a national park in the eastern part of the Australian state of Queensland.


It is located 913 km northwest of Brisbane and approximately 100 km north of Mackay. The Molle Islands are located west of the Whitsunday Islands National Park on the continental shelf in the Coral Sea

The Molle Islands consists of eight islands: Long Iceland, Iceland Daydream (formerly West Molle Iceland ), Iceland Denman, Goat Iceland, Iceland Mid Molle, North Molle Iceland, Iceland Planton and South Molle Iceland. All the islands are part of the UNESCO World Heritage Great Barrier Reef.

Nearby national parks Repulse Islands, Whitsunday Islands, Lindeman Islands and Iceland are Gloucester; on the mainland of the Conway National Park.


For thousands of years, the Aborigines of Ngaro lived on the islands off this coast. The Ngaro (also Iceland People in Australia called ) were a tribe of Aborigines who are classified as sailors and not as typical Coastal People ( indigenous coastal people ) in Australia. They were the only seafaring Aboriginesstamm Australia and lived about 9000 years in this island region. The Ngaro died out as a tribe in the period of British colonization.

The European settlers used the land for cattle grazing and displaced the indigenous population. 1937, the archipelago was declared a national park. Named the National Park to the Colonel George James Molle, who was in the British colonial Lieutenant Governor in New South Wales.


Like the Whitsunday Islands are the Molle Islands of volcanic origin. Outbreaks million before 110 years, gave rise in the area mountains, which sank later in the Coral Sea.

The Molle Islands were formed in an ice age as islands, as the polar ice melted and flooded the country.


On the islands are found primarily lights eucalyptus forest on the more sheltered places and rainforest, otherwise grasslands, in the most exposed slopes. Frequent burning of the grasslands by the Ngaro prevented overgrown with bushes.


On three inhabited islands Daydream Iceland, South Molle and Long Iceland Iceland there are resort hotels. The camping is allowed on South Molle Iceland (Sandy Bay, Paddle Bay) and on several other islands, but there are no facilities. On South Molle Iceland, Long Iceland and North Molle Iceland there are picnic areas and restrooms. Owned trails do not exist.


The location directly east of Shute Harbour archipelago is accessible by private or commercial boats from there and from Airlie Beach.
