
The Mount Archer National Park (English: Mount Archer National Park ) is a national park in the east of the Australian state of Queensland. It is located 522 km northwest of Brisbane and then just northeast of the city of Rockhampton. Here begin the tropics of Queensland.

Provincial nature

The National Park is located in the Berserker Ranges, the highest peak of Mount Archer with 604 meters height. The Moores Creek has buried itself deep into the mountains.

In the neighborhood of the National Park Mount Etna Caves, Mount Jim Crow, Capricorn Coast and Rundle Range lie.

Flora and Fauna

The vegetation in the park mainly consists of sparse eucalyptus forest with occasional interference of dry rainforest.

The forest - thick head ( Colluricincla megarhyncha ), the Weißbrauensericornis ( Sericornis frontalis), the Riesenkauz ( Ninox strenua ) and the brown-headed cockatoo in the park are some of the encountered species of birds.


The tents are not allowed in the park. A road leads to the summit of Mount Archer, where you can climb. In the park there are a number of hiking trails and picnic areas.

The national park is directly accessible by road from Rockhampton.
