
The Blackbraes National Park (English: Blackbraes National Park ) is a national park in northeastern Australian state of Queensland.

In the park and adjacent state protected areas Moonstone Hill Reserve and Kennedy Road Gravel Reserve there are two bioregions: One Leigh and Uplands Gulf Plains.


It is located 1265 km northwest of Brisbane, 170 kilometers north of Hughenden and 280 kilometers west of Townsville.


The hilly terrain inside the park is surrounded by basalt rock steps. In the approximately 850 -meter-high plateau there is black soil and in the rainy season and marshland, notably the Emu Swamp. The Moonstone Hill Reserve is an old volcanic crater, where there are also gems ..


Above all, local aquatic birds in the park, especially around the Emu Swamp to meet. Therefore, it is popular with bird watchers.


The plateau offers because of their altitude and cooler climate than the surrounding rain richer, hot plains. In the dry season, but day temperatures are 35 ° C is reached.


Camping is allowed in the dry season from May to November the edge Emu Swamp, because the swamp is almost dried up at this time.

The national park is accessible via the Kennedy Developmental Road.
