Round Top Island National Park

The Yuwi - Paree - Toolkoon National Park (English Yuwi Paree Toolkoon National Park, formerly Round Top - Iceland National Park ) is a 34.1 -acre national park in Queensland, Australia. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Great Barrier Reef.


The park consists of an island, Iceland Round Top. It is located nine kilometers east of Mackay. In contrast to the 180 km to the east -lying coral islands of the Great Barrier Reef Round Top Iceland is of continental origin.

In the vicinity of the Coral Sea National Parks South Cumberland Islands, Northumberland Islands and Broad Sound Islands lie.

Flora and Fauna

The 600 -meter wide and 600 meter long island is on the southeast side covered by grassland, on the northwest side grows dry rain forest and scrubland. Apart from a small pebble beach in the west, the coast is rocky.

In the sea off the island to find smaller seagrass beds.

On the island are white-bellied sea eagle ( Haliaeetus leucogaster ), White-bellied Swallow Star ( Artamus leucorynchus ) and copper neck dove ( Geopelia humeralis ) at home. Also, here lives one of the few vertebrates that can reproduce by parthenogenesis, the Australian Gecko Heteronotia binoei.
