Telephone numbers in the United Kingdom

The telephone prefix numbers in the UK are regulated by the Office of Communications ( Ofcom ) in the UK. Integrated into the British telephone network, but not part of the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.

The selection of a UK number from abroad is done as follows:

The selection within the country can always be done like this: code phone number.

In the fixed network can be a number in the same area code are dialed without the area code.

  • 4.1 North American Numbering Plan
  • 4.2 Other

Number ranges

Area Codes

List of area codes in the UK telephone network sorted by area code numbers.

History of British primaries

Introduction of area codes

The IDD was introduced in the UK in December 1958, but not completed until 1979. As a local area network primaries were known as STD codes (Subscriber Trunk Dialling ), which consisted of a zero and three digits. As a mnemonic the first two digits correspond to the first letter of the place. Therefore, the digits of the dial were labeled with letters as in France.

It was not directly be seen from the code, in which part of the country was based on the dialed number ( 0224 = AB4 = Aberdeen in Scotland, 0227 = CA7 = Canterbury in southern England ).

The country code for London was 01, five other cities (Birmingham, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Liverpool and Manchester ) were also shortened the prefixes 021 to 061

Through the introduction of new local networks, it has become increasingly difficult to forgive primaries due to the letter of the place name, and from 1966 letters for phone numbers were no longer used.

1990: New area code for London

In May 1990, the previous code was changed 01 for London. The inner city districts were given the area code 071, the outer 081 Thus, the number range was 01 free.

1995: PhONEday

The 16 April 1995 has been declared by BT as PhONEday where each area code the number 1 ( English: One) was placed in front. London, this gave the prefixes 0171 and 0181 for some cities that suffered from lack of phone number, new area codes were created.:

With this measure, the number ranges 02-09 were free and could be used for other services.

On PhONEday the access code for calls abroad has been changed from 010 to the normal international number combination 00.

1996-1998: Reading

The area code 0118 for Reading was not awarded on Phoneday, but only on 8 April 1996. 01734 The old code ( 734 = RE4 ) was also valid until 9 January 1998.

2000: Big Number Change

Entitled Big Number Change another big change of the British area code was posted on April 22, 2000, the day before Easter, performed in the lane number 02 was used for geographic area codes. This also London had a uniform, outstanding code again.

In all these cities, thus eight-digit numbers were introduced. The new primaries were already from 1 June 1999 unreachable, the parallel operation ended for the various local networks from August to October 2000. Ofcom expressly reserves the possibility of extending the area code 029, which was awarded to Cardiff on the whole of Wales, analogous to code 028 for Northern Ireland.

On this day all mobile numbers (cell phones and pagers ) were transferred to the number range 07. Previously, these numbers were in the area codes 01, 03, 04, 05, 08 and 09

As a third measure certain service numbers were transferred to numbers starting 08 and 09.

Phone numbers in overseas territories

British Overseas Territories are not part of the United Kingdom and are not integrated into the British telephone network. Connections from the UK to the Overseas Territories are treated as international calls. There are the following international dialing codes:

North American Numbering Plan

British Overseas Territories in North and Central America are integrated plan in the North American Numbering:


  • British Indian Ocean Territory 246
  • Ascension 247
  • St. Helena and Tristan da Cunha 290
  • Gibraltar 350
  • Akrotiri and Dhekelia 357 ( in the number range of Cyprus)
  • Falkland Islands 500
  • Pitcairn Islands 64 ( in the number range of New Zealand)


  • National Code & Number Change Framework Document, Ofcom document to the Big Number Change, 129 KB in DOC format, English
  • Ofcom: Errata, December 2011