Departments of Argentina

The departments are the provinces of Argentina's lower administrative districts. The capital city of Buenos Aires is just like the province of Buenos Aires is not divided into departments. Instead, find themselves in the capital barrios (districts ) and Comunas, in the province of Buenos Aires partidos.

Each Partido is led by a Intendente elected by the population. The departments are, however, not out of a Intendente or other administrative facilities. Their meaning is won for the decision-making bodies of the provinces. In the province of Santa Fe, a senator is delegated from each department.

Two departments of the province of Tierra del Fuego - Antártida Argentina and Islas del Atlántico Sur - international law are disputed. With these there are 376 without the Partidos of Buenos Aires province. Of these 32 departments no clear terms. 75 departments have similar or identical names in other provinces.

List of departamento

Number of departments by province

Notes: 1 Number Partidos 2 Number Barrios 3 two of which are controversial in international law

  • Partido or department (Argentina )
  • Geography (Argentina )